Modernism and Museo Iloilo

Museo Iloilo is perhaps the most photographed architecture in Iloilo City, shot by hobbyists, 'artists', tourists, tourism officials, and bloggers, but most people [even architects] in my opinion never appreciated the architectural significance of the building, that Museo is a proof that somebody in Iloilo City knows, understands, and practices the principles of Modernism, that it's not just a trendy style but an approach to design. Those who are familiar with the works of Le Corbusier know what i'm talking about for Museo is evidently an homage to the French master architect. Some striking similarities can be observed between Museo and Le Corbusier's Unite d'Habitation in Marseilles.


Museo Iloilo in panorama

The colors were not always there but they are a welcome addition. Notice the red-white-blue-yellow color scheme on the walls—same as in the national flag.

Le Corbusier's Unite d'Habitation: walls are similarly treated with bold colors, and the accent with the gray concrete is brutish yet elegant.  [Source]

Museo Iloilo West wall: engrave of churches

Unite d'Habitation wall engrave: Charlie the Modulor Man [Source]

West wall facade

Museo Iloilo entrance

Binary pavement: somewhat cryptic

Wall engrave over doorway: national leaf  'anahaw'

Concrete seats with pebble finish

1 comment:

  1. Your panorama "stolen":

