She Bangs

Songwriter John Squire said of the anthemic song, "'She Bangs the Drums' is about those brief moments when everything comes together. Like staying up till dawn and watching the sun rise with somebody you love. And then regretting it bitterly."

I agree with the first part. Amazing how a song reminds you how to be young, be free, and be in-love and remind you, lest you forget, how:


Book Excerpt: Semi-detached and Terraced Houses

"The wish to become a homeowner continues to be the most important objective in life for most people. Terraced housing and semi-detached houses are a cost-effective and more ecological alternative to detached single-family houses, more affordable even for young families. In addition, urban living has once again become popular. Young people, singles, and professional couples without children are not the only ones who are more often remaining in the city. Families who prefer less commuting and better chances for child care to an automobile-dependent life on the periphery are also doing so.[..]"

—Andrea Wiegelmann

Download the excerpt. HERE.

Book cover: Semi-detached and Terraced Houses


Modernism and Museo Iloilo

Museo Iloilo is perhaps the most photographed architecture in Iloilo City, shot by hobbyists, 'artists', tourists, tourism officials, and bloggers, but most people [even architects] in my opinion never appreciated the architectural significance of the building, that Museo is a proof that somebody in Iloilo City knows, understands, and practices the principles of Modernism, that it's not just a trendy style but an approach to design. Those who are familiar with the works of Le Corbusier know what i'm talking about for Museo is evidently an homage to the French master architect. Some striking similarities can be observed between Museo and Le Corbusier's Unite d'Habitation in Marseilles.


Museo Iloilo in panorama