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Daylight and Architecture

Daylight and Architecture is VELUX magazine to architects, designers, building professionals and everyone else with interest in daylight in architecture. The magazine started in 2005 and has been published three times per year since then.

With the magazine VELUX wants to create a communication platform where they set up topics that are relevant for architects and to set focus on the importance of daylight when creating better living conditions for people.

The magazine features in-depth articles from internationally renowned professionals on the themes of daylight and architecture. Every issue has a specific theme, depicted in articles and pictures by scientific as well as artistic angles. D&A puts focus on sustainability, resource efficiency, and low energy consumption. This is part of VELUX strategy to put sustainable living on the agenda.

Issues can be downloaded here.


MAS Context

MAS Context is a quarterly journal created by MAS Studio that addresses issues that affect the urban context. Its aim is to provide a comprenhensive view of a topic by the active participation of people from different fields and different perspectives. It instigates the debate.

Download the issues here.

MAS Context

MAS Context is a quarterly journal created by MAS Studio that addresses issues that affect the urban context. Its aim is to prove a comprehensive view of a topic by the active participation of people from different fields and different perspectives. It instigates the debate.


Hello, World

FLOAT House. Architecture by Morphosis. Photography by Iwan Baan. Commissioned by Brad Pitt's [yeah!] Make It Right Foundation.

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