MAS Context 29: Bold

"Welcome to our Bold issue. This issue features eighteen projects that explore new possibilities for the city of Chicago. Generated by both emerging and established Chicago-based architects and designers, these projects rethink the future of the city and, at the same time, explore the agency of the architect in shaping these scenarios. The projects, generated without a client, operate fully aware of the constraints and realities of Chicago with the intention to engage in fruitful conversations with public and private agencies to shape its future. Ultimately, while these projects focus on the city of Chicago, the ideas behind their architectural and urban strategies can open up new areas of exploration that can be extrapolated to diverse contexts. The projects featured in the issue were part of the exhibition BOLD: Alternative Scenarios for Chicago curated by Iker Gil and included in the inaugural Chicago Architecture Biennial."


House in the American Tropics 17

Casa En La Prosperina by Fabrica Nativa Arquitectura in Guayaquil, Ecuador. Via Plataforma Arquitectura.


MAS Context 28: Hidden

"Welcome to our Hidden issue. This issue explores the aspects of our built environment that are hidden, overlooked, not readily apparent, forgotten, and conceptually of physically removed from our sight, whether intentionally or not. Time for us to shine a light on all those things worth rediscovering or seeing for the first time."

Download HERE.

MAS Context 27: Debate

"This issue explores the role of debates, ones that have taken place as well as ones that should take place. How are these debates constructive of opposing positions? What are the topics of those impassioned discussions? What are the issues at stake? What are the venues, physical or virtual, historic or current, in which these debates take place? what conditions favor the generation of these debates? Who participates in these debates, who is the audience, and who should be the audience? And ultimately, what are the outcomes of these debates? We hope you take part of the debate."

Download HERE.


[AD201601_02] Architecture Timed: Designing With Time in Mind

"Time may not be an entirely new subject for discussion. Admittedly for at least the last two decades, there has been a shift in the approach to architecture away from the notion of it as a timeless practice — the architectural ideal being the perfect, completed building captured at handover in all its shiny brilliance by photography entirely vacant of people. The work of Enric Miralles in the early 1990s, for instance, as described by Philip Speranza (pp 60–65), challenged existing conventions as he sought, through his buildings, to provide people with the experience of the passage of time..."


House in the Asian Tropics 28

Architects Home Studio in India. Architecture by BetweenSpaces. Photography by Khunal Bhatia. Via ArchDaily.