House in the American Tropics 17

Casa En La Prosperina by Fabrica Nativa Arquitectura in Guayaquil, Ecuador. Via Plataforma Arquitectura.


MAS Context 28: Hidden

"Welcome to our Hidden issue. This issue explores the aspects of our built environment that are hidden, overlooked, not readily apparent, forgotten, and conceptually of physically removed from our sight, whether intentionally or not. Time for us to shine a light on all those things worth rediscovering or seeing for the first time."

Download HERE.

MAS Context 27: Debate

"This issue explores the role of debates, ones that have taken place as well as ones that should take place. How are these debates constructive of opposing positions? What are the topics of those impassioned discussions? What are the issues at stake? What are the venues, physical or virtual, historic or current, in which these debates take place? what conditions favor the generation of these debates? Who participates in these debates, who is the audience, and who should be the audience? And ultimately, what are the outcomes of these debates? We hope you take part of the debate."

Download HERE.