MAS Context 18: Improbable

"Unlikely futures envisioned in the past that never became a present. Improbable situations that, beating the odds, became the most tangible reality. Ambitious, grandiose and experimental, all these dreams and schemes radically challenged their present and envisioned a new future. They outlined principles for collective ambitions, defining new physical, political, economic and social organizations. Whether realized or not, these proposals hold valuable lessons for our present and future."


MAS Context 17: Boundary

''We all set our personal and physical boundaries. They are important to keep us running as well as sane. Other boundaries, established by people, countries or nature are used to define edges, separate two entities, and interrupt natural flows such as human migrations and ecosystems. Natural and artificial boundaries exist and will continue to do so in one way or another. Is it possible, then, to rethink what a boundary is, what its potential in our society can be, and if we even need them?''